Fun one-on-one guitar lessons for ages five and up.
Since we have students of all ages and backgrounds, we customize our lessons to suit each student. The main reason to choose Waterdown Music Academy for music lessons is that we treat every student as an individual. Whether you want to play rock, country, pop, classical, blues or any other style, we’ll develop a lesson plan that fits your personality and learning style. At our last student recital, audiences heard everything from classic rock to contemporary hits to classical repertoire.
Beginners will learn fundamentals such as reading notation and tablature and basic guitar technique. As students advance, they’ll enjoy an expanded range of music to choose from. Our teachers can teach a variety of styles and will help you become the musician you want to be!

Why Choose Waterdown Music Academy for Guitar Lessons?

Fun & Experienced Teachers
Our students LOVE their teachers! Our teachers have warm, friendly, patient personalities and are here to help their students learn the music they love. Come and see for yourself!

No Long Contracts
We know you’re going to love your lessons, so we won’t tie you down with a long contract like other music schools. With no semester minimums and open enrolment, it’s easy to get started anytime.

Personalized Lessons
Whether your child is just getting started with music for the first time or you’re picking up the guitar as an adult, our lessons will fit your learning style, personality and musical preferences.

One of the hundreds of WMA students excited for their lessons!

Join us at one of the two optional recitals we hold every year.

Climb the Musical Ladder and earn trophies and wristbands.

A big smile for the photographer on our annual Picture Day.

What Families Say About WMA

Ready to Make Music With Us?
With no long contracts and no big upfront payments, it's easy to get started!
Just give us a call at 905-690-8010, text us at 833-226-1889 or write to, pick a lesson time that works for you and you're all set! With no semester minimums, no complicated contracts and simple month-to-month tuition, you have nothing to lose.
Weekly lessons are a half-hour each and are available Monday through Saturday. Enrollment is first-come, first-served - contact us today for the best choice of lesson times.
Lessons are $34/half-hour
A one-time registration fee of $25 applies (due at time of registration).